Créature : humain et citoyen
Quand le Marchand éclairé arrive sur le champ de bataille, exilez une carte de permanent ciblée depuis votre cimetière. Vous pouvez jouer cette carte tant qu'elle reste exilée.
Les sorts que vous lancez depuis autre part que votre main coûtent

de moins à lancer.
Card // Card
At the beginning of your end step, if a land card was put into your graveyard from anywhere this turn, collect your reward.
Before the game, shuffle at least 6 unique bounty cards into a face-down pile.
As the starting player's third turn begins, reveal the top bounty card.
Claim the revealed bounty during your turn and collect your reward!
As each turn begins, if no bounty is being offered, reveal the next one. If the pile is empty, shuffle all claimed bounties and restock
If the bounty went unclaimed last turn, increase its reward to the next level.
1 — Create a Treasure token
2 — Create two Treasure tokens
3 — Create two Treasure tokens *or* draw a card
4 — (Max) Create two Treasure tokens *and* draw a card.