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Prosperous Partnership
Prosperous Partnership
78178 / 500RareRare
FrenchEnglishTraditional ChineseSimplified ChineseJapaneseKorean ItalianGermanPortugueseSpanishRussian
Illustrator: Evyn Fong
Illustrator: Evyn Fong

Prosperous Partnership

French text
English text
Quand le Partenariat prospère arrive sur le champ de bataille, créez deux jetons de créature 1/1 verte et blanche Citoyen.
Engagez trois créatures dégagées que vous contrôlez : Créez un jeton Trésor.
When Prosperous Partnership enters the battlefield, create two 1/1 green and white Citizen creature tokens.
Tap three untapped creatures you control: Create a Treasure token.

Details on the card

78178 / 500RareRare
FrenchEnglishTraditional ChineseSimplified ChineseJapaneseKorean ItalianGermanPortugueseSpanishRussian
Illustrator: Evyn Fong
Illustrator: Evyn Fong
French text
English text
Quand le Partenariat prospère arrive sur le champ de bataille, créez deux jetons de créature 1/1 verte et blanche Citoyen.
Engagez trois créatures dégagées que vous contrôlez : Créez un jeton Trésor.
When Prosperous Partnership enters the battlefield, create two 1/1 green and white Citizen creature tokens.
Tap three untapped creatures you control: Create a Treasure token.
Commander Streets of New Capenna
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Commander Streets of New Capenna
Commander Streets of New Capenna
Commander Streets of New Capenna
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0,50 €
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    ✔ Available within 2h
  • Playin Annecy
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