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Clue // Goblin (1/1) Clue // Goblin (1/1)
Commander D&D: Adventures in the Forgotten Realms
T10/T12 / 290Common
FrenchEnglishTraditional ChineseSimplified ChineseJapaneseKorean ItalianGermanPortugueseSpanishRussian
Illustrator: Raoul Vitale & Oriana Menendez

Clue // Goblin (1/1)

French text
English text
Artefact-jeton : indice
, sacrifiez cet artefact : Piochez une carte.
Créature-jeton : gobelin
1 / 1
Token Artifact - clue
, Sacrifice this artifact: Draw a card.
Creature - Goblin
1 / 1

Details on the card

Commander D&D: Adventures in the Forgotten Realms
T10/T12 / 290Common
FrenchEnglishTraditional ChineseSimplified ChineseJapaneseKorean ItalianGermanPortugueseSpanishRussian
Illustrator: Raoul Vitale & Oriana Menendez
French text
English text
Artefact-jeton : indice
, sacrifiez cet artefact : Piochez une carte.
Créature-jeton : gobelin
1 / 1
Token Artifact - clue
, Sacrifice this artifact: Draw a card.
Creature - Goblin
1 / 1
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