Playin by Magic Bazar
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Cast Bones
Heavy Hitters
014 / 255Majestic

Cast Bones

French text
English text
Brute / Action
- / 11 Pitch
Reveal the top 6 cards of your deck. Create a Might token for each card with 6 or more Attack revealed this way. Put the revealed cards on top of your deck in a random order.
If you control 6 or more Might tokens, create an Agility token.
- / 3Defense
Brute / Action
- / 11 Pitch
Reveal the top 6 cards of your deck. Create a Might token for each card with 6 or more Attack revealed this way. Put the revealed cards on top of your deck in a random order.
If you control 6 or more Might tokens, create an Agility token.
- / 3Defense

Details on the card

Heavy Hitters
014 / 255Majestic
French text
English text
Brute / Action
- / 11 Pitch
Reveal the top 6 cards of your deck. Create a Might token for each card with 6 or more Attack revealed this way. Put the revealed cards on top of your deck in a random order.
If you control 6 or more Might tokens, create an Agility token.
- / 3Defense
Brute / Action
- / 11 Pitch
Reveal the top 6 cards of your deck. Create a Might token for each card with 6 or more Attack revealed this way. Put the revealed cards on top of your deck in a random order.
If you control 6 or more Might tokens, create an Agility token.
- / 3Defense
Heavy Hitters
Foil card
Earn up to 22 oint(s)
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Shipping costs starting at 2,50€. Free on orders over 35,00€. Only applies on single cards orders.
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  • Playin Paris BNF
    ✔ Available within 2h
  • Playin Annecy
    ✔ Available upon request (72h)
  • Playin Paris Rivoli
    ✔ Available upon request (72h)
In store pickup in 2h or after 72h depending on availability.

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Heavy Hitters
French French
Foil Foil
22,00 €
In-store pickup
  • Playin Paris BNF
    ✔ Available within 2h
  • Playin Annecy
    ✔ Available upon request (72h)
  • Playin Paris Rivoli
    ✔ Available upon request (72h)
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