TOTAL : 100 Cartes

MAIN DECK : 100 Cartes | 39 Terrains | 41 Créatures | 13 Éphémères / Rituels | 7 Autres

1 x Temple of the False God
1 x Terramorphic Expanse
8 x Forest
4 x Plains
1 x Mosswort Bridge
4 x Mountain
1 x Jungle Shrine
1 x Exotic Orchard
1 x Evolving Wilds
1 x Command Tower
1 x Clifftop Retreat
1 x Kessig Wolf Run
1 x Rogue's Passage
1 x Myriad Landscape
1 x Cinder Glade
1 x Canopy Vista
1 x Game Trail
1 x Fortified Village
1 x Path of Ancestry
1 x Unclaimed Territory
1 x Arch of Orazca
1 x Thriving Bluff
1 x Thriving Grove
1 x Thriving Heath
1 x Furycalm Snarl
1 x Secluded Courtyard
1 x Otepec Huntmaster
1 x Etali, Primal Storm
1 x Marauding Raptor
1 x Wrathful Raptors
1 x Kinjalli's Sunwing
1 x Bellowing Aegisaur
1 x Wakening Sun's Avatar
1 x Zetalpa, Primal Dawn
1 x Temple Altisaur
1 x Majestic Heliopterus
1 x Bronzebeak Foragers
1 x Regal Behemoth
1 x Verdant Sun's Avatar
1 x Ripjaw Raptor
1 x Drover of the Mighty
1 x Ranging Raptors
1 x Thundering Spineback
1 x Deathgorge Scavenger
1 x Thrashing Brontodon
1 x Wayward Swordtooth
1 x Runic Armasaur
1 x Rampaging Brontodon
1 x Shifting Ceratops
1 x Apex Altisaur
1 x Topiary Stomper
1 x Earthshaker Dreadmaw
1 x Ixalli's Lorekeeper
1 x Curious Altisaur
1 x Dinosaur Egg
1 x Scion of Calamity
1 x Sunfrill Imitator
1 x Xenagos, God of Revels
1 x Quartzwood Crasher
1 x Itzquinth, Firstborn...
1 x Raging Swordtooth
1 x Regisaur Alpha
1 x Raging Regisaur
1 x Atzocan Seer
1 x Pantlaza, Sun-Favored
1 x Wayta, Trainer Prodigy
1 x Zacama, Primal Calamity
1 x Chandra's Ignition
1 x Fiery Confluence
1 x Path to Exile
1 x Generous Gift
1 x Akroma's Will
1 x Farseek
1 x Rampant Growth
1 x Cultivate
1 x Rishkar's Expertise
1 x Savage Stomp
1 x Thunderherd Migration
1 x Return of the Wildsp...
1 x Migration Path
1 x Sol Ring
1 x Lifecrafter's Bestiary
1 x Arcane Signet
1 x Progenitor's Icon
1 x From the Rubble
1 x Descendants' Path
1 x Rhythm of the Wild